Thursday, June 4, 2020

Importance of Muzzle Control Research Assignment Paper - 1650 Words

Importance of Muzzle Control Research Assignment Paper (Essay Sample) Content: Importance of Muzzle ControlName:Course:Instructor:Date Submitted:IntroductionThe first rule when it comes to gun handling which is also the most violated one is MUZZLE control. It is a very dangerous gun safety mistake when the gun is not pointed in the right direction especially when it is aimed at something that the shooter is not willing to destroy. Regardless of whether the gun is loaded or not, this rule should be strictly observed at all times since it prevents an outcome that the shooter would live to regret. Every firearm handler should be aware of possible cases of accidental discharge whereby the firearm shoots unexpectedly and to avoid I didnt know it was loaded scenarios, it is imperative that the muzzle always points in a safe direction. Apparently, there are other gun safety rules such as keeping the finger off the trigger until when ready to shoot but muzzle control remains the single most important rule.A firearm is a deadly weapon, and whenever it is in your arms, concentration and focus are key necessities. This calls for constant practice on how to safely handle the gun even when you are not using it, especially when it comes to muzzle discipline. Practicing different ready to shoot positions is also good for everyone's safety. Ready positions are the methods for holding the gun during or after a real or potential attack while at the same time expressing muzzle awareness so as to protect the people around you. This includes after you draw your gun, when moving around with the gun and when engaging threats. The questions that should always go through your mind when you are holding a firearm are; where do you point the gun when there is not an identifiable target? Where do you point the gun when there are several people around you? The answer to these questions should be down range and in a safe direction but this is not commonly practiced by most firearm handlers.The shooter should always train their brain and muscles so that they can automatically respond during combat which can only be achieved through constant training and participating in numerous drills. When the muscle memory and brain habits become accustomed to self-actualization, the safety of those innocent people surrounding the gun handler is almost guaranteed. There are numerous ready to shoot positions which are attained through constant practice. It should be noted that there is a huge difference between the ready positions during a range-only shooting involving fixed target and the ready positions in a real life situation which involves moving targets which are normally a matter of life and death. Below is an elaborate description of five popular ready positions alongside their pros and cons.SUL PositionThis ready position was first developed and practiced by Alan Brosnan and Max Joseph in Brazil in the year 1997 during their time with South America Police. SUL is a Portuguese word which means "South" thus emphasizing that the gun should always point down while in the presence of friendly fire. The purpose of this position was to serve as a safe pistol carrying position thus protecting friendly shooters during Close Quarters Battle. This position is commonly used when the shooter wishes to check 360 degrees around themselves or while moving around people or things that should be protected from the guns muzzle. In this position, the pistol can be efficiently and quickly presented from a neutral body position (Byers et al., 2011).To achieve this position, the support hand is positioned flat and horizontal against the stomach and on the top of the bellybutton, the hand with the pistol is placed on top of the support hand with the finger being off the trigger and the muzzle pointing towards the ground at the region between the feet. The gun is held at an angle of about 15-20 degrees away from the body to avoid shooting on the feet. In this ready position, both thumbs should be touching forming a square shape with the su pport thumb pointing towards the shooters chin. The slide of the gun should be held against the back of the knuckles of the support hand with the strong hand thumb extending towards the support hand thumb.This ready position should be used in four fundamental situations first being when one is moving among friendly shooters whereby you are not in the lead but rather the backup cover. Here safety is the main priority whereby the one leading my present his or her weapon but those in cover should handle their weapons safely. A second situation is when a friendly shooter wishes to cross your line of fire especially when they are moving around teammates. The third scenario is when a shooter needs a quick and efficient position to point the muzzle when an innocent person or a friendly individual crosses into their line of fire. Finally, this position is used when controlling or holding the bad guy before the authorities arrive without having to point the gun at them but at the same time b eing ready to shoot.Low ReadyThis shooting position is the commonly used position during tactical shooting encounters involving the Law Enforcement Officers and also the military when they are searching for a target or when zeroing in on a threat area. This is a very efficient challenge position for law enforcement officers since one can easily see the hands of the bad guy since the gun is pointed down away from blocking their eyes. This position is also commonly used in competitive shooting events and handgun training. This position is very effective when transitioning between targets and getting ready to shoot again. When using this ready position with new shooters, great caution should be taken since they have a loaded gun in their hands and are always ready to shoot again. This position is the fastest position switch to after firing a shot and it is also the quickest to move from because it is just a matter of raising the gun back to the desired target. When using this position, the shooter can easily engage the target verbally while at the same time keeping a close eye on them such that they can engage quickly if need be (Perdekamp et al., 2013).To engage this position, the shooter should assume the usual extension shooting position and the drop the gun muzzle at a 45 degrees angle pointing it to the ground in front of the target but not directly at the target. The gun should be held in the area around the lower abdomen.Modified Low ReadyThis position is almost similar to the Low Ready position, but the only difference is that here, the gun is lowered to the chin level just below the line of sight. The advantage of this position is that it is very easy and fast to bring the gun back to the line of sight hence the target can be engaged more quickly. This position is also a very Ready position when dealing with and controlling an attacker for compliance. You may not even need to fire a shot since the target will feel cornered when this method is used. When this shooting position is in play, it is very critical that the shooter puts their finger away from the trigger and ensure that the gun is pointed in a safe direction. The shooter should only be ready to fire when the target or threat has been sighted and positively identified. With the gun only being slightly below the chin and the ability to quickly bring it to fire, this ready position should be...

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