Thursday, February 27, 2020

Choose a topic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Choose a topic - Research Paper Example He proved himself to be an essential part of literature’s history, being not only a poet but a literary critic, a playwright, leader of literature’s modernist movement and winner of Nobel Prize in field of literature. Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in St. Louis on 26th September 1888 (Shook 722) to Henry Ware Eliot and Charlotte Stearns Eliot. He had six other siblings; his mother was a poet too. In 1905 he graduated high school, the following year was spent at a private prep school called Milton academy in Massachusetts. He started his term at Harvard in 1906 September, he studied from professors like Irving Abbott and Paul Elmer there, and both of whom became a major influence on Eliot’s writing. There influence on Eliot was through his stress on tradition and his classicism. Eliot also studied Dante’s poetry which too became his primary inspiration and source of enthusiasm. Eliot completed his B.A in 1909 and stayed at Harvard to complete English literature’s master’s degree. He left in fall of next year and went to Paris where he spent a year. He took courses at Sorbonne, wrote, read and mostly soaked the atmosphere in Paris. When he returned to States, he also went back to Harvard, where he continued taking graduate course now in philosophy, also serving as teaching assistant. In academic session 1914-1915 he was awarded travelling fellowship, with that he chose to go to Germany to study, yet he had to leave from there after just few weeks due to outbreak of World War 1. He went to London after his stay at Germany was terminated, which then became his permanent home. Eliot got a chance to meet Ezra Pound, through a class fellow from Harvard on 22nd September 1914; Pound too soon became major influence on Eliot’s literary career and its development. Eliot wrote one of his most famous poems â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The History on my Japanese Dish Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The History on my Japanese Dish - Research Paper Example uch as French fries or French rolls, bacons and hamburgers as uniquely American or English, pizza, spaghetti or pepperoni cheese as Italian and so it is with the Japanese, with their food. History of chopsticks – Asian culinary culture and history is closely intertwined with the development and spread of chopsticks. These so-called sticks are actually two pieces that are about 9-10 inches in length and rectangular in shape, used to pick up small pieces of food. These first originated in China some 5,000 years ago and most probably was invented by the people who first used branch twigs to pick out hot food from a pot, since they cannot wait any longer for cooked food to cool down a bit (must have been really hungry already!). Using the chopsticks requires a degree of manual dexterity, as food could easily fall off or slide down in the process of picking it up and putting it into the mouth. Eating using chopsticks means to eat from a bowl because it cannot possibly be used to handle soups, so the bowl makes it easier to just gulp down the soup or any liquid while using the chopsticks to scrape for solid tidbits. Japanese chopsticks – the Japanese are an enterprising and innovative people. They are quick learners too, and adopted the chopsticks from the Chinese, like the Koreans and the other Asian nations or cultures such as the Vietnamese and Malaysians of Chinese descent. In Japan, their chopsticks are round in shape instead of rectangular, and the lower ends are now pointed or tapered instead of being flat or blunt. Chopsticks as used in Japan are associated in their religious ceremonies and the so-called fine art of dining, together with the tea ceremony. Eating in Japan is not merely for the sake of eating to assuage hunger pangs but rather a very elaborate affair, designed to prolong the gustatory delight of savoring delicious food. Chinese chopsticks were like tweezers, as they were joined at the top but this reduces flexibility as it is being used.